Explanation of methodologies used in our study Shattered Glass: Killing Google Glass
Claim: Our calculations tell us that to appeal to average smartphone users, Glass would have to be 210% more valuable than smartphones are.
There are two ways we can estimated
1) Taking from market data
2) Estimating with our equation
This gives an upper and lower value for that we can use. Let us use the average of these two values as our estimate, implying that
. For Google Glass to appeal to the average smartphone user, it must be that:
Claim: At a price of $1,500, Google Glass would have to expect that niche market consumers valued Glass 315% more than they valued smartphones.
In 2013, the estimated cost of manufacturing Google Glass was $210.
Claim: To ensure that they were moving towards mainstream market viability, when Glass develops a feature that increases its value in niche markets, that feature also needs to increase the value of Glass to mainstream consumers by about 50% of the value it added for niche consumers.
To be moving towards mainstream market viability, the naturally disruptive strategy must be moving to the right faster than the disruption threshold as increases. Let us use surgeons as our niche market to get an estimate for
According to the American College of surgeons, there were 135,854 surgeons in the U.S. in 2009. Data from 2013 are unavailable. This gives us an estimate that: .